Detail DISKO IRISA JUNI (with map)
DISKO IRISA JUNI dengan format acara talk show "EMPAT MATA" , featuring KOMET a.k.a. Ahmad Khumaidi sebagai Too Cool (ie. TUKUL) yang akan mewawancarai tiga nara sumber kita kali ini, yaitu:
Bang Andry Indradi.
- PhD Student in Flinders University.
- An Immigration Officer in Jakarta.
- A Former President of PPIA Flinders.
Mas Ganti Lis Ariyadi.
- Currently a Master student in Flinders University.
- A staff in Diklat DepKeu.
- Former President of Flinders University Islamic Society.
- Head Branch (Kepala Cabang or KaCab) of ICMI (Ikatan Cuci Mobil Indonesia) Gepps Cross.
Kang Tony Irawan.
- A Master student in Adelaide University.
- Lecturer in Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB).
Together with us, "The Four" will have a light talk on NGEDATE (Ngejar Due Date) and Exam: A talk surrounding practices and perspectives on time management.
So come to DISKO IRISA insya Allah.
Sunday 10th of June 2007 at 2 pm onwards.
Room BH03-21
UniSA City West Campus North Terrace
-Car Parks on Hindley St or North Terrace-
(Click Here for Bigger/Complete Map)
DISKO IRISA JUNI dengan format acara talk show "EMPAT MATA" , featuring KOMET a.k.a. Ahmad Khumaidi sebagai Too Cool (ie. TUKUL) yang akan mewawancarai tiga nara sumber kita kali ini, yaitu:
Bang Andry Indradi.
- PhD Student in Flinders University.
- An Immigration Officer in Jakarta.
- A Former President of PPIA Flinders.
Mas Ganti Lis Ariyadi.
- Currently a Master student in Flinders University.
- A staff in Diklat DepKeu.
- Former President of Flinders University Islamic Society.
- Head Branch (Kepala Cabang or KaCab) of ICMI (Ikatan Cuci Mobil Indonesia) Gepps Cross.
Kang Tony Irawan.
- A Master student in Adelaide University.
- Lecturer in Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB).
Together with us, "The Four" will have a light talk on NGEDATE (Ngejar Due Date) and Exam: A talk surrounding practices and perspectives on time management.
So come to DISKO IRISA insya Allah.
Sunday 10th of June 2007 at 2 pm onwards.
Room BH03-21
UniSA City West Campus North Terrace
-Car Parks on Hindley St or North Terrace-
(Click Here for Bigger/Complete Map)
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